Thursday, July 4, 2019

Under the Ocean

She is afraid of being hurtTherefore, she is scared of lovingAnd afraid of free fallingAnd yet under the oceanShe dives deep

Friday, March 29, 2019

The Altruist

The white of her touch all over him
Soaked inside a heartless,
Of sorrow and pain
There was nothing inside but
An intention to hurt

The ray from her voice dazzled him
For a moment, he forgot who he is
Under her veil, she hid him
To keep him in light
Close enough to her heart
Yet, no one could prevent it

Not even her

And horns finally came out of his forehead
Sharp enough to pierce through her lungs
She cried and he could not hear
She bleed and he could not heal
She vanished and he could not feel


Thursday, February 28, 2019


A lake has its melody
Also, wind has its chords
Sublime and lyrical
Like mist on the lake

Relieve, rejoice, rejuvenate
Nature is singing
To the highest and the lowest tone
The Universe is the conductor

Monday, February 18, 2019

Ia yang Meruntuh

Jaket kulit hitam memeluk tubuhnya
Yang dingin
Layaknya sore itu
Gadis sedih dengan sebatang rokok
di antara jari tengah dan jari telunjuknya

Bernapaskan asap dan udara yang dingin
Merasuk ke paru – parunya yang repih
Bersembunyi didalam senyuman
Berkabutlah ia dalam harapan

Ia hanyalah gadis sedih
Gadis rapuh
Gadis teguh


Saturday, February 9, 2019

Souls and Colors

Her soul is blue
The bluest blue of the ocean
Intoxicating but calming
Deep but illuminating
But below the oceans we never knew
What's hidden there, is it sinister or a virtue?

Her soul is black
Like a room without a light
Seeking its way out
But is loath to leave
The dark has become her friend
For so long she has always been
Of the sun

Her soul is yellow
Like sunflowers in summer
Radiant and laughter
Sometimes orange like the evening sky
Warm and mellow
But sometimes red like flames
Parching and torrid

Sunday, January 20, 2019


The world is immense,
In the eyes of the bravest,
The allies of risks
And hope.
See it through
The Wilderness, The Madness
The Beginning and The End
Universe is longing
For you
To see it


Sunday, March 18, 2018


Starting off days
Of anything but old tapes
Inside a forced memory
Of nothing new
Repetitive blinking
Of atonic eyes
A body, without a soul